Tag Archives: senses

Executive brain on holiday

OwlFarmFieldsm{Prince Edward County, Ontario, July 20th}

I’ve been watching clouds a lot lately. I wouldn’t say my head is in them, but my eyes are in them, following their ever-changing forms.

PrinceEdwardCar{Prince Edward County, Ontario, November 20th}

I asked Google about clouds, and received numerous links to cloud computing resources. Of course: The Cloud means a very different mass of particles in today’s world.

VictoriaRoadJuly14{Prince Edward County, Ontario, July 14th}

Could the information held in internet clouds be compared to the ideas held in one’s imagination cloud? If we give our executive brain function (attentional control) a break, and call on the imagination and salience (attentional flexibility) networks to take over – temporarily – we can let our ideas accumulate and condense.

MuskokaMay{Muskoka, Ontario, May 23rd}

Nature is a mutable cloud which is always and never the same  {Ralph Waldo Emerson}

CobourgJuly8:2{Cobourg, Ontario, July 8th}

Then… let the Executive back in for some curation and project management, knowing that plans can change, and probably will. Roll with it.

CobourgJuly8{Cobourg, Ontario, July 8th}

How do you know who you are? There are many parts to who you are, so there isn’t one static place. And then, the other part of that is that things keep changing  {Maira Kalman}

CobourgJuly7{Cobourg, Ontario, July 7th}

Bad ideas bring depth to the good ones. Go both ways when creating, to arrive at satisfaction, possibly brilliance, both glorious and brief.

CobourgJuly8:5{Cobourg, Ontario, July 8th}

CobourgJune17:2{Cobourg, Ontario, June 17th}

CobourgJuly7:3{Cobourg, Ontario, July 7th}

How are we so optimistic, so careful Not to trip and yet Do trip, and then GET up and say O.K. {Maira Kalman via Brain PIckings}

WickanninnishBeach{Wickaninnish Beach, Vancouver Island, March 17th}

It’s all about paying attention. Attention is vitality. It connects you with others. It makes you eager. Stay eager.  {Susan Sontag via Brain Pickings}
