Autumn journey

pearcey_d_journeyAnd so here it is the middle of November, and we have moved to Victoria, BC. On October 3rd we sent our belongings off on a truck, we packed our car full of the bits, we said goodbye to family & friends in Ontario, and we hit the road.pearcey_d_perrysoundWe spent the weekend visiting family in Bracebridge, Ontario and then drove west towards Sault Ste. Marie for our first stopover. The weather was beautiful.pearcey_d_wawaDriving towards Thunder Bay we stopped in Wawa for lunch. It was desolate and raining.pearcey_d_lakesuperiorLake Superior is vast, the largest of the Great Lakes. We had ‘The Wreck of Edmund Fitzgerald’ {Gordon Lightfoot} playing in our heads.

pearcey_d_thunderbaySaying goodbye to the pink granite of Northern Ontario.pearcey_d_kenoraSnow welcomes our morning drive out of Ontario.pearcey_d_manitobaBut the sunshine returned as we drove through Manitoba – sigh – hello Prairies, my home land.pearcey_d_saskLeaving Saskatchewan in mid-October after a wonderful family Thanksgiving weekend.pearcey_d_albertaNearing Canmore, Alberta, and the majestic Three Sisters {Faith, Charity and Hope}
pearcey_d_lakelouiseThe turquoise water of Lake Louise. The air was crystal pure & crisp.pearcey_d_kamloopsA favourite part of our drive was through the Interior Plateau near Kamloops, BC, and onto the Coquihalla Highway. And up, up, up towards the Coquihalla Summit.pearcey_d_bcNearing the end of our beautiful road trip, and looking forward to being on the ferry over to Vancouver Island.pearcey_d_victoriaAnd so, here we are. Wherever you go, there you’ll be. Time to build a new stone collection.

12 thoughts on “Autumn journey

  1. Victoria

    Hi Dawn! Following your beautiful blog and thanks so much for the return favor. I’m thrilled we can stay connected this way. Wishing you a fabulous day and week!

    1. Dawn Pearcey Post author

      Hi Victoria! Thank you so much for visiting, and I’m also thrilled we’ll still be connected. I love your writing and images, and admire your graceful departure from Instagram land. You have a wonderful week too! (I hope to be writing new posts soon).

    1. Dawn Pearcey Post author

      Thank you so much Lisa! I’m happy to have met you and your beautiful art work too. Cheers to a creative 2015 – I hope to get back to this blog soon! Sorry for the tardy reply.

    1. Dawn Pearcey Post author

      Thank you Sam! It was really nice posting images each night, from hotel rooms along with way, to the lovely group I’ve connected with on Instagram – such as you! Everyone was so enthusiastic and appreciative of the beautiful sights we were passing through. Best wishes to you over there in Australia! x

  2. Mike

    these pictures are flat-out gorgeous…what a relief to see images that give the sky its due, filling more than half of the frame (most photogs give mostly ground or, worse, “sights”, or, worst, stiffly grinning humans propped in front of “sites”)…horizon! horizon! horizon! and these bring back many memories of my own long-ago trips across canada, the stark and lovely changes in landscape…very evocative. lastly, i love the beginning shot–accoutrements of journeying…the perfect establishing shot for this little movie.

    1. Dawn Pearcey Post author

      Mike!! Thank you, I miss you. If I could, my shots would be ALL sky – but that might defeat my travelogue aim. We have lots of photos, these conveying best the moods of the changing geographies. My establishing shot was from saying goodbye to Malcolm’s lovely ink-stained table – hopefully we’ll get another one worked out for him soon. (There’s one photo of me propped up on the ferry – not so much stiff as droopy and dopey). Best wishes in the snowy east!

    1. Dawn Pearcey Post author

      Goodness, that was quick Shannon! Thank you – I thought I would revisit the old blog, and also get back to reading other blogs too. I’m loving your portrait photography of late – you draw such beautiful expression & ease out of your subjects!


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